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Bahlool British International Schools is an inclusive school

The vision for Inclusive Education is that we achieve excellence together by all students receiving the support they need to meaningfully belong to their school and wider community, feel valued for their contributions, engage purposefully in learning and experience academic, cultural, social and emotional success in a common learning environment.


We accept new admissions for every year group


There are no academic requirements for acceptance into Foundation Stages 1&2 

(3 to 4 years of age). Prospective students at these levels are interviewed; they must be toilet-trained and able to respond to simple instructions.

All other prospective students (Year 1 to Year 6) may take diagnostic tests in the core subjects. These tests help to determine if the students have attained the minimum expected standard for each subject.


The admissions process has been designed to ensure students are appropriately placed at BBIS, while maintaining the integrity and consistency of the school programme and policies. Admission to Bahlool British International Schools can be made during the year, depending on availability, through the Admissions officer. Certain documents are required to be provided to the school before they can enter the educational system in Baghdad.


A student’s application will pass through different stages and is facilitated by effective communication between parents and the school’s admission team including through the school's online portal.





Please refer to the below steps on how to apply to BBIS:


School Friends


Meet Us or Visit the School.

If you have not yet visited the school campus or got in touch with us, please do so by arranging a face-to-face or online meeting with one of our staff by clicking the button above. 

If, however, you would like to start your child's admission process to the school please move on to step 2


Complete the admission form.

You are satisfied and comfortable with the Bahlool British School. The next step is to enrol your child with us to start their next successful journey.

You can fully apply, track the progress of your application, pay fees and enrol your child online using our new online admissions portal. *If you are experiencing issues with the online student portal you complete your admission form at the school's reception desk.


Enrolment Confirmation.

Once you upload copies of the necessary documents and pay the registration fees, your application will be passed on to the admissions team that will come back with a decision of enrolment within a few working days after reviewing your child's previous school reports (if applicable) and documents.


Please note that you should receive a confirmation email once you successfully send your online application form. Please check your Junk/ Spam mailbox.


Those documents can be uploaded online when completing the admission form.


Failure to present the following documentation, once your child has received an offer, may result in your child losing their place at BBIS and the registration fee:

  • 1 copy of your child's passport

  • 1 copy of your child’s residency visa (if applicable - non-iraqi)

  • 1 copy of your child's birth certificate (residents of some countries must produce an attested copy)

  • 1 copy of both parent's passport and visa (visa - if non-iraqi)

  • 2 recent passport photographs

  • A copy of your child's latest school report (applicable only for all children entering Year 1 and above)

  • Full details of any special educational needs and individual education plans (IEPs) plus any Educational Psychologist's report, if completed. It is essential that all educational history is presented to Bahlool British Int Schools prior to a place being offered;

  • Full details of all vaccinations and immunizations for your child.


Those documents can be uploaded online when completing the admission form.


  • Receiving an offer of a place at Bahlool British Int Schools does not automatically give a right of access to any other school.

  • If an offer of a place is made, parents have 10 working days to return acceptance paperwork and pay a non-refundable deposit which will be deducted from the joining term’s fees.

  • Please note that acceptance of an application does not guarantee current availability or placement.

  • Registration fees are non-refundable except when the school rejects an application.

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